Submitted by GreenleafMedia on

Did you ever wonder where all of the water you use comes from? In Wisconsin, most of us get our water from under the ground. Groundwater doesn't flow like an underground river.

Submitted by GreenleafMedia on

You can make natural dyes out of plants in your yard and your refrigerator. Do you want to know how? Follow along...

The first step is to gather dye material. If you've got a black walnut tree or some dandelions growing in your yard or nearby park, you're in luck. Gather some of the black walnuts and dandelions. We'll use the walnut shells and the dandelion roots and flowers in making dyes.

Next, raid the refrigerator. Look for a few red cabbage leaves, some orange peels, fresh cranberries, onion skins, or spinach. Sounds like lunch, huh?

Submitted by GreenleafMedia on

Bats, owls, and mice, oh my! You can use plants, seeds, and other things you find outdoors to make some pretty cool creatures. Here are examples of a few.

Gather white and red pine cones, spruce cones, milkweed pods, maple seeds, acorns, straw, pine needles, miscellaneous dried plant parts, craft wire, fishing line or thread, a wire cutters, scissors and or knife, and a hot glue gun with glue. Collect the natural materials from your yard or get permission from your neighbors to collect them from their yard.

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